Extremely easy to connect to a web services interface via the web interface
how assist wrx-di for your systems
Automatically update your data with Restful, Json, Xml, Soap, Ftp, Txt, Html
Web 3.0 ready for you with 1st WORX Data Integrator (WRD-DI). Json or XML so Restful, Soap, Json, CVS, Excell, FTP etc. different intercaces. and data files. With WRX-DI, your systems are ready for automated integration. IoT, mobile...
Web 3.0 ready for you with 1st WORX Data Integrator (WRD-DI). Json or XML so Restful, Soap, Json, CVS, Excell, FTP etc. different intercaces and data files. With WRX-DI, your systems are ready for automated integration. IoT, mobile solutions.
Republic Of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology
Our project where WRX-DI is applied. It includes middleware data collection processes with data integration from different interfaces with the application.
Virtualization for AI Platform
Virtualization for AI Platform
T-rok Technology
Server and Virtualization infrastructure, System Deployment and test process. Multuprocessor infrastrcuture.