Extremely easy to connect to a web services interface via the web interface
how assist wrx-di for your systems
Automatically update your data with Restful, Json, Xml, Soap, Ftp, Txt, Html
Web 3.0 ready for you with
1st WORX Data Integrator
(WRD-DI). Json or XML so Restful, Soap, Json, CVS, Excell, FTP etc. different intercaces. and data files. With WRX-DI, your systems are ready for automated  integration. IoT, mobile...
data integration
Web 3.0 ready for you with 1st WORX Data Integrator (WRD-DI).  Json or XML so Restful, Soap, Json, CVS, Excell, FTP etc. different intercaces and data files. With WRX-DI, your systems are ready for automated  integration. IoT, mobile solutions.
Drag&Drop Page Builder with custom or standart elements. Pure Html Export and custom edit; js, css, html via any browser. Paltform independed.
Build any enterprice or  basic web projects with extremely easy and teamwork-friendly structure. Fast and platform independet.
Web based, codeless web interface connector. Middleware data integration solution.
Web 3.0 ready. Json, XML, Restful web services connector.
Listen any web page or web services with automation systems.
Take a snapshot, send sms, mail or push notify your client.
Regional Database Project
Regional Database Project
Republic Of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology
Our project where WRX-DI is applied. It includes middleware data collection processes with data integration from different interfaces with the application.
Virtualization for AI Platform
Virtualization for AI Platform
T-rok Technology
Server and Virtualization infrastructure, System Deployment and test process. Multuprocessor infrastrcuture.
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